Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Guys like girls with skills

Thanks to my dear, dear friend I have a new skill. I now can link web addresses right in my post. See, mad skills!! It is fun to have a friend with the same name as me, although it is confusing from time to time to our cast. Stephanie is my choreographer (to the stars) for Birdie. So there is Stephanie the director and Stephanie the choreographer. I tried for a long time just to be known as Steph and have her be Stephanie but even that is not working for everyone. Kate calls me Starbuck but not everyone knows who Starbuck is (side bar on Katee Sackhoff... how much do I love Battlestar Galactica? That is right, BG is not just for the geek...)

In light of my new skills I fully intend I will win a man despite what Phyllis Lapin Vance says: Remember guys don't make passes and girls who wear glasses.


Stephanie said...

I heart you!

Kristel said...

Wow! And I thought Evan was the only one who watched Battlestar Gallatica!