Thursday, January 21, 2010


My boss was at the doctor yesterday for a heart stress test only to find out that while gone his house was broken into, burglared and his wife's car was stolen. I find that much more ironic than"rain on your wedding day" or a "free ride when you've already paid."

It is sad that there are people in this world who have no respect for others, only selfishly fend for themselves. It is also very sad that there is no magical solution to problems like theft, vandalism, assault, etc. A report is taken by police, but rarely is justice seen. It is sad.


This Place is a Disaster! said...

What part of town?

Steph said...

They live in Sugarhouse. My sister-in-law told me of a coworker in West Valley who had the same thing happen to him, and his neighbor too.

Colleen said...

I find this sad, yes. But I don't see how it's any more ironic than any of the "ironies" in that song.

Steph said...

So when Alanis asks "isn't it ironic, don't you think" your answer is no. Got it. You don't find it ironic that he was getting a heart stress test at the same time he was being robbed? I do. But then, Sis, you are the English major and I am not.

Amy Maida Wadsworth said...

I know what you mean! There is a sweet elderly couple in our neighborhood that got robbed last week. A few punk teenagers came to their house saying that their car had broken down and they needed to use a phone. They stole her purse and his medications. Makes me so angry!