Monday, October 26, 2009

Clean Bill

Mom had her 1 year follow up transplant visit this week. I am so excited to announce that she was given a clean bill of health. Basically what this means is that the transplant was a success in sending her into remission!! We knew she had been in remission for a while, but this is great news in that she might stay in remission a long time (anywhere from 1-5 years before she might have to be in treatment again.) The tests showed that her blood work was at normal levels and there was no measurable amount of cancer detectable. She has to follow up with her cancer doctor every 3 months now to have her blood looked at because the blood tests will show cancer before she would feel the effects of it. One concern still is her back. The cancer did some damage to her spine and she has a really weak back. For this, however, she has to have a bone strengthener (think of those new commercials with Sally Field, but she goes in for an IV treatment instead of a monthly pill) because her back looks like it is riddled with osteoporosis. But hey, we'll take it!

So for her 1 year birthday (October 24 is her transplant birthday) all of the girls went to see Curtains at Hale Centre Theatre. I love this musical and of course they changed the lyrics for the safety of sensitive ears (with permission, I understand) so each time the left out a funny line or a swear I leaned over to Sister to tell her the real one. Sister figured out who the killer was pretty early on... she is so smrt. Books/looks?! Puh-lease! Kidding aside, we had a great time and it was good to just get away with the girls!

Mom and I watch Watcher in the Woods this weekend too. I totally remember it being so much more scary than it was. I had totally forgotten the ending. However, the DVD release... has 2 alternate endings! High-lar-eous! It was a kind of fun Mom-centric weekend!


Candice J said...

Oh yes! The alternate endings are so cheesy 80's sci-fi. I'm glad they didn't use any of them. Yeah for being healthy!!!

Stephanie said...

Yay! Congratulations on your mom's health!

Matt said...

Fantastic news!