Friday, December 30, 2011

Mom's Quilt

Check out this post on Sister's website about the quilt we made for Mom for Christmas.

You can find the info and detailed photos on The Busy Bean. I tell you what, that Sister of mine is super talented. Mom loved the quilt, of course, and will enjoy it in the hospital. It'll be like a daily hug from her family ... or something. She goes in January 9 for her second transplant. Her first transplant was in October 2008, an account of which can be found in my blog archives if you are interested in reading up, there are too many posts to link. Cancer sucks, still, but Mom is doing great.

That being said, if you are a prayer-er (Yes Annelle, I pray!) we certainly could use some extra good thoughts and prayers for the next 2 months. Our family is fasting on Sunday (yes we know it is not the official Fast Sunday this month, but we have 2 reasons to fast, and the second reason happens before Mom goes into the hospital) that her transplant will work and put her cancer into remission again. Anyone who wants to join that day, or include her in your regularly scheduled Fast Sunday prayer, we would appreciate it. (btw her name is Gloria Johnson.)

It was a good Christmas!


This Place is a Disaster! said...

But it IS the official fast Sunday for me! Prayers.

christine said...

I have a very good friend of mine going in for surgery for cancer that same week. I will definitely being in the praying frame of mind and I will definitely be thinking of them both!!

Preds Girl said...

Oh man! I hope everything is OK. I just read this post a second ago. Thoughts are with you!